Cookie validity period

Cookie validity period

The cookie validity period refers to the length of time that a cookie data can be retained in the browser or the client, which has nothing to do with closing the browser.

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Cookie Authorization mode for collecting information: explicit and implied

Cookie Authorization mode for collecting information: explicit and implied

Currently, the authorization method of cookie in the industry is mainly through agreements and statements, which are issued separately or embedded in user agreements or privacy policies. The former is explicit authorization consent, and the latter is implied authorization consent.

"Same-origin Policy" for Cookie transmission message

"Same-origin Policy" for Cookie transmission message

The same-origin policy was introduced to browsers by Netscape in 1995. Originally, it meant that the Cookie set by page A could not be opened on page B unless the two pages were "cognate". The so-called "same origin" refers to the "three same" : the same protocol, the same domain name, and the same port.

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